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The extended family gathered in Colorado Springs on December 28th for a memorial service and celebration of Elin's life. Marcy and Julie planned the service and John organzied some readings from Elin's writings. It was a poignant, bitter-sweet time as we acknowledged the lasting influences Elin will have on us all -

especially her persistance to do the right thing, to never give up on anything.

We celebrated Christmas for the first time on Orcas. Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal Anne came up a few days before, followed by Jenny, and then our friend Rita.

Yvonne and James made cookies, James made French onion soup, and Yvonne, James, Natasha, and Jenny made Christmas dinner. Noah, Morgan, and John made a run to the transfer station and Exchange and then to Cascade Lake for some outdoor fun.

After a quiet Christmas morning opening presents, we all had a long walk down Deer Harbor Road . The weather was mild and not too wet. It was wonderful to be together but we missed Eric, Kristin, and Jackson - who were in LaJolla. Rita and Jenny had to go back to work. Tuesday the rest of us drove down to SeaTac for a flight to Denver and drive to Colorado Springs to attend Elin's memorial service.

Elin - December 19, 1916 - December 18, 2005

Elin Ashenhurst was born in Chicago, Illinois on Dec. 19, 1916 and passed from this world after a long life and a short illness on Dec. 18, 2005 in Colorado Springs. She was a woman of great common sense and strength of character who will be sorely missed by friends and family alike.

And what a trip. To Harstine to see N,N, M, & O. Then Los Osos and SLO with E, K, & J. On to HB to help with the move from house to condo. Then to La Jolla to enjoy Thanksgiving with Bob and Diane and E, K, & J. Had lunch with Ron (and his grandson Raphael) and his friend Tami (and her son Jeff). Then north to Vacaville to see Heathyr and Krystal and Heather's friend Ray. Then up to Seattle to stay with Jeni on Queen Anne Hill and then to Bellingham for Noah's book reading. What a trip! 3126 miles in all.

After six months in an independent living facility, it became appropriate in October for Elin to upgrade to assisted living. Marcy and Julie made the arrangements and John had a chance to visit in early November. Elin and her three children had a very nice time together. Elin enjoys her new quarters, with its view of the Peak and a considerate and helpful staff.

Jen's now on Queen Anne and we had a chance to help her get set up. IKEA had a sale so Jen got some book cases, a dresser, and such that we could assemble. Rita came over Saturday night and she and Jen flapped off to some Halloween parties. We're very happy Jen is back in Seattle.

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Having too much fun with our little 6 month old. Jackson is having a blast in his walker and jolly jumper these days.
He ‘talks’ quite a bit, especially to his Grammy Z and Auntie LoLo…Sitting up and still on the verge of crawling … watchout. Boo!


Julie sent two CDs with the pictures Billy took at P&A's September 24th wedding and they're now available in this album. A lovely bride, handsome groom, and much love and good feeling all around.

Hi Grandparents, Family and Friends,
Just a quick update. Jackson is a little over 5 months, and really starting to come into his own. He smiles, laughs, baby babbles, screams with joy (and when he is mad), rolls around, sits up, but still falls over at times, and eats three solid (baby food) meals a day.

On September 24th at Shove Chapel on the Colorado College Campus in the Springs, Phoebe and Alan tied the knot and treated all of us to a wonderful party. The evening before Alan's mother Kiki hosted a party at her house. After the reception Phoebe and Alan headed to Las Vegas for a few days of relaxation. The weather was perfect, the bride beautiful, and love pervasive. Congratulations to Phoebe and Alan!

Noah and Natasha hosted a publication party for Noah's novel and family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues came from as far away as Colorado. And Noah sold 41 autographed copies at the end of the party. If you don't have your copy yet you can order it through or from

We stopped in Ellensburg (see below), then Burnt Ridge cemetary near Moscow Idaho (see below), arriving in Colorado Springs for Phoebe and Alan's wedding (see above) and a chance to visit to family and friends. We helped Jen pack her car and filled our van for her move back to Seattle. We chanted up the sun with our Boulder friends and stopped on Harstine Island for Noah's publication party (above). A big trip.

Opal Dragstedt La Tour grew up on a farm on Burnt Ridge, in the gently rolling hills of western Idaho near Troy (and Moscow), part of the Palouse Empire - fertile lentil bean and wheat country. Hill tops retain their fir and pine caps. Arroyos fall away sometimes precipitously - always leading to the Snake River. Opal said it was a wondeful place to be a child.

Yvonne's childhood friend, Julie, and her daughters live in Ellensburg, in central Washington, on the east side of the mountains. Julie has a dozen home improvement projects going in her house and yard. One, an elegant tool shed recently arrived in her back yard. Her daughters are beautiful and gracious. And Julie treated us to lunch and homemade rhubarb pie.
Comfort Food,
A Novel

Noah has written and published his first novel - called "Comfort Food." Yvonne, a discriminating reader, wrote the first review and gave it "Three thumbs up, way up!"  Amazon says the novel centers on "A romantic academic, a self-assured young writer, an enigmatic musician, a slacker, a wealthy mountain climber, and a former heroin addict – characters whose lives intersect in the unique debut novel Comfort Food." You can find out more about it at and also at I recommend it highly (JA)

Last April Yvonne and John got the idea that the east side of the house needed something. It was too bland and massive. So they hatched a garden rearrangement and deck building project - which got under way in May and was finished in September. Yvonne did all the gardening work and John the decks, doors, and stairs. It turned out pretty well and it was great fun to work outside.

John attended a library conference in Olympia and so he and Yvonne stayed with N, N , M, and O on Harstine. Opal was her usual charming self and Morgan Mister Energy.

Before James left for school we had lots of time together and some fun conversations about his world. Rita now lives in Seattle. Katie drove out with her from Boulder and we had a chance to get together for dinner. And Paul, Jen's good friend, came along as well. Paul helped Rita find a place to live - and Rita now has a job too!

Each September Orcas hosts a chamber music festival and Yvonne was instrumental in creating lovely floral arrangements to grace the Orcas Center where some of the events were held.

Diane and Bob visited Jackson in HB and incidently found time to say hello to Kristin and Eric as well. Jackson continues to grow like a weed and is in the top size percentiles for his age. A mellow little guy, he likes spending time with grandma and grandpa.

What fun! Yvonne reported, quite seriously, that the week was the best of her life, so far. James was already home. Noah, Natasha, Morgan and Opal came up Friday on the same ferry with Eric, Kristin, and Jackson. In fact, in Borgian fashion, the A's car pulled up directly behind the M's car in the ferry line at the Anacortes.  James drove to SeaTac Saturday to pick up Jen, coming in from Denver. What all did we do? Lots of great meals by Yvonne and James cooked Thai food Wednesday night. We had Richard and Maggie over Monday night for dinner. (more)

Yvonne, Julie, and Kathy got together to visit and laugh and attend a 60s reunion at their high school. Julie came to the Island beforehand so John had a chance to visit with her as well.

Jen represented our contingent to Lindsay and Matt's lovely wedding in the Springs in early August. It was a great party and everyone had a wonderful time. Aelias and Alana participated in the ceremony and looked quite elegant. The young couple then headed to Mexico for their honeymoon.

James spent June and July in SoCal with his classmate Emily and her parents while they both earned money as interns at an Internet incubator business. In early August they drove up, stopping on Harstine. Emily flew back to SoCal to finsih the summer with some fun

Random pictures that don't show up in the other August albums

Alan & Tessa, Dave & Ann visited late in July. We missed Dean & Barb. We had a wondeful time visting, eating, boating, kayaking, hiking, sightseeing, swimming, planning, and catching up. Everyone was fascinated watching the swallows develop rapidly in the nest on our front porch and then leave the nest. Dear friends - what a treasure.
Morgan and Opal in July


Here are a few photos of Opal and Morgan and a quick update.

Last week we returned from a 10 day trip to Colorado. We had a great visit with Jill and Lou in Boulder and with Heather, Don and Olivia at their house near the Wyoming/Colorado border. Jenny joined us for an evening and Noah was able to experience first-hand her great acupuncture skills.

We were able to have Madelyn join us for the week which was wonderful. There was horseback riding, water fun and a lot of good food. (more)

Hi Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends!

Jackson turns 3 months tomorrow, man how time flies. As many of you know he just got back from a whirlwind tour of the East Coast, he was a great traveler, not one fuss on the plane.He's smiling and cooing regularly, and rolls over on his side with no problem. He weighs 16.5 pounds (yes, dad we finally got a scale ;) We are still waiting for the little guy to give us eight hours of sleep, hope that comes soon ;) Loving each and every minute with him. Hugs, Kristin

A pair of swallows decided to build a mud and grass nest on a window frame on our front porch. We tried to discourage them but they persisted and we let them be - and photographed the amazing process of nest to four eggs to hatchlings to swallows to training flights to abandoning the nest - which has now been removed from the premises. The whole process took about five weeks - incredible

Fourth of July Parade - Library, Dems, Pink for Peace, Camano Rendezvous on Thetis Island, Unitarian Fellowship picnic potluck on our lawn, Richard and Maggie trip to Sucia Island with some kayaking, Friday Harbor visit
Jackson at 8 weeks
(More pictures added 7/17/05)i Everyone-
Well I am just passing the 8 week mark. I went to the Doctor this past Thursday for a check up and immunizations. I am tipping the scales at 13 pounds and I am 2 feet tall, wow!

As you know I am a very easy baby, however Mom and Dad are still waiting for me to sleep through the night ;)

Three weeks ago I was in San Luis Obispo for graduation. I got to meet and hang out with Jenna, Carina and

We met Loren and Janelle in Portland, toured the Rose Test Garden, Japanese Garden, waterfront, Chinese Garden, Leach Botanical Garden and then drove to Astoria and stopped at Fort Clatsop, of Lewis and Clark fame. Then on to Cannon Beach and the nearby Ecola and Oswald West State Parks, with a side trip to Tillamook and its cheese factory. The Oregon coast is spectacular.

Coming and going from Oregon we stopped to see Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal. On the way down we detoured to Port Gamble near the Hood Canal Bridge. Samantha stayed with her doggy cousins while we went on to Oregon. Getting more rain than Orcas, Harstine Island is particularly green in the early summer. Opal now rolls front to back and grandma put her to bed one evening.
Jackson at 5 Weeks
(more pictures added 6/11/05)

Hi Everyone,

Believe it or not I am almost 5 weeks old! I weigh just over 9 pounds. I am starting to lift my head, and I am thinking about smiling.

Recently I have been sleeping 4-5 hours in a row, Mommy really likes that ;)

Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal came up to the Island - and Corrina and her friends Julie and Tessa stopped by after driving from Pennsylvannia. We enjoyed the Pet Parade, Taste of Orcas, Yvonne's great meals, a cruise to Stuart Island, and the Centenial Celebration for the Deer Harbor Community Club/schoolhouse. Warm and sunny. Lots of conversation and play. Wonderful!

We stopped on Harstine Island on our drive back from HB. Opal is twice her birth weight and cute as a button. We had a wonderful beach nature walk with Morgan. John helped Noah stack firewood. Yvonne got to take care of Opal and walk with Morgan. Natasha manages Morgan and Opal, her large garden, and is looking at doing a community Website. Noah plans to publish Comfort Food, A Novel, in October.

(Note: More pictures posted 5/14)
Jackson is attended to by a large staff: Parents, grandparents, and dog pack. He learns to nurse, has his first pediatrician visit, and his first bath. Lots of attention from local paparazzi who utterly refuse to respect his privacy. Jackson is getting into a routine - including sleeping most of the night. Kristin slips easily into her mom role. Yvonne cooks and helps out. Eric helps with Jackson and works in the yard. John takes pictures and fiddles with this Website. Bob and Diane visit Jackson twice. Ron, Jessie, Kim, and Rapheal visit. Tracy, her mom, Joe, and Nicole drop by. Busy, wonderful time

Jackson William Mehiel, 7lbs, 7ozs, 20 inches long, was born Thursday, April 28th about 9:30 a.m. Jackson, Kristin, and Eric are doing well and everyone is now home. Jackson is sleeping well and doesn't fuss much so far. Bob and Diane came up from La Jolla Wednesday night and were nearby for the birth. John and Yvonne appeared Sunday morning after driving down from the island.

Gumption gets a checkup, new zincs, and a bottom paint touch up and we head to Sydney, BC to clean up the boat, do a little shopping, and celebrate John's 62nd birthday. Lovely time. We encounter dense fog on Haro Strait returning home. We use radar and GPS and Yvonne looks for freighters bearing down on us. A bit nervous making - but no problems.
Splish, Splash we were takin' a bath

Opal turned three months old yesterday and to celebrate she laughed for the first time.

Attached is a picture of our bathing beauties.


Ready for Jackson
(note: more pictures added 4/21)

This weekend we have been busy getting ready for Jackson’s arrival . Eric put the finishing touches on the crib and I got the nursery put away for the most part. My Mom and Dad came up and we got some last minute items at Baby R Us, while ‘Bob’ helped to mow the lawn and put the pack and play together. (more)

In mid-April, 66 members of the Swedish choir, Kör med Kör from Karlstadt visited Orcas to perform with the Orcas A Capella Singers. Five Swedish young men stayed with us (when not drifting over to a nearby cottage where six flickas were housed). We had a wonderful time talking about Sweden and America and listening to their music. What terrific young people! Find out more about Kör med Kör at
Morgan and Opal Travel to Colorado for a Big Visit

Hello! We are back from our Colorado adventure. Here are some photos for
We spent the first half of the week at Heather and Don's Mountain House (as Olivia calls it). They have a large, (more)

In March Jenny moved from Denver to share Kiki's townhouse. Jenny is now close to where she works part-time and commutes to Chinese Medicine school in Denver. Jenny and Kiki have been partners in crime for 20 years or so. Yvonne had a great time staying with them for a few days - sharing little known stories. Kiki handles the advertising for a very successful Colorado wedding resource guide that is published twice a year. Jenny recently bought a cello through eBay and played us some notes. A good move altogether.

After 27 years living in a townhouse in Colorado Springs - the last 10 years by herself - Elin, at 88, decided she was done with cooking, cleaning, driving, and being alone, so she signed up to live with about 100 other seniors in a wonderful facility in Colorado Springs that provides lovely apartments, good food, and lots of activities. The move went without a hitch - all in one day - well organized by Julie and Marcy. And we had Easter dinner at Julie's, saw Phobe and Alan's house, and had dinner at Marcy and Paul's

Yvonne's brother Ron, Alison and her friend Harold joined the stalwart eight for an abbreviated walk in rain, sleet, and wind. But we didn't notice because of the warmth of the group - generated by walking. Walking for family, friends, strangers suffering. Wondering how to witness our faith in the Human, this world project. Alan showed slides of Senegal - where Alison spent seven months as an anthropologist.
From Noah and Natasha:

Opal Anne is 2 months old today. She is doing great. This past week she has started sleeping for a nice 8 hour stretch at night. I can't tell you how happy this makes us! Despite her long sleeping stretch at night she is packing on the pounds and now has a nice double chin. She is a cheerful chunk!

Morgan dotes on his little sister and loves to hang out with her on the living room floor, reading his books or playing with his trains right by her. She loves to hear his voice and enjoys his "big hugs." We have, of course, hundreds of other pictures, but will only make you view the one attached. Enjoy.

James came home for his spring vacation and enjoyed the peace and quiet - at least for a while. Saturday we hiked up Orcas Knob and enjoyed the view. Thursday we headed for Harstine Island and spent the weekend with Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and baby Opal Anne. It was James first opportunity to meet and hold his new niece.

Here are pictures taken by James during the cold month of February. Rita came to visit for a long weekend, bringing much fun with her. She, James, Emily, and Teddy took a trip to NYC to see the sights. Later, they spent a night having fun, Princeton style, in Colonial eating club. Almost all of James' close friends who he has gotten to know over the semester are pictured here.

The joys of heating with wood, the Washington and Oregon Coasts, Harstine Island and an update on Opal Anne, and a field trip to Tacoma with Morgan. February has been remarkably sunny in the Northwest - with all the rain going south to California. The daffodils are flowering and I had to mow the lawn. Spring is here on Orcas. Opal Anne is gaining weight quickly and increasingly alert to her surroundings and a good sleeper. Morgan is a pleasure to take on field trips. Noah and Natasha are tired out and wonder how parents have managed all these generations.

James is enjoying his life on the East Coast. He takes the train into The City (New York) often from Princeton. He sent back some pictures from his adventures with friends - Emily and Teddy - and Paul and Yvon - from Princeton, NYC, and Connecticut. Contrast his visit to Teddy's country house (left) with Eric and Krisitin in California (below).

Eric sent these pictures along - Mindy (Eric's grad school colleague) and her husband Jim visited Eric and Kristin in San Luis Obispo where Eric teaches Orbital Mechanics at Cal Poly. They visited some nearby wineries and horseries. Remember this was January. Look at the pictures and see if you don't feel sorry for how they suffer in winter in California.  Jackson is contained in the picture to the right but not visible and is expected to make an appearance in May. Stay tuned....

We met Opal Anne and celebrated Morgan's fourth birthday. Opal is beautiful and very content - mostly eating and sleeping with very little complaining. John and Yvonne took care of Morgan during the day Thursday and Friday while Natasha had some quiet time with her new daughter. Friday night Jill and Lou appeared - from Colorado - and with Jan and her friend Terri and Natasha's friend Kristin and her daughter, we celebrated Morgan's birthday on Saturday. What a wonderful time!
Big Brother Morgan holding his new sister Opal Anne

Natasha says Opal is a good sleeper and Morgan said today (1/23/05) that's he's so glad that she was born.

We'll post more pictures after we visit Harstine Island for Morgan's Third Birthday.
Opal Anne

Dear Family and Friends,

Here is a picture of our new darlin' Opal Anne. She is even cuter in person. Mom and baby are well and resting


Noah and Natasha

Birth Statistics Weight:
6 pounds and 14.4 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Time: 12:01 am
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2005


More pictures and news coming soon...

Anne and Peter sent a photo of Johan with his daughter Selma and Rolf sent pictures of the flag pole he repaired as well as his niece and nephew and his dog Max. I scanned the pictures and then added them here. We hope we'll get some more pictures to put on the site.

It was really winter! In the 20s, snowy, roads icy - they don't plow here. After two weeks in the house we got cabin fever - and then the weather broke, the temperature rose into the 50s and it started to rain - a lot. Even with the snow, the daffodils are showing themselves and many of Yvonne's green plants are flowering.