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We left Orcas Monday and caught a Tuesday morning flight to Denver and then drove to Colorado Springs. Then the snow started. We visited Julie, Marcy, and most of the family. And the snow kept up. I-5 to Denver was closed.
Thursday afternoon the roads opened and we headed for Boulder to visit our friends.
Saturday went early to DIA for a flight back to Seattle. The airport had been closed for 2 days and was backed up. We stood in the security line for 3 hours but finally got airborne and eventually back to Orcas - where James had been setting up for Christmas. Christmas eve we went to a UU candlelight service - and then picked up Jeni and Rita at the ferry. Christmas day we visited the Crane house. Then Tuesday Ron came up from Seattle where he had been visiting Tony. We missed seeing Noah et al and Eric et al but Natasha sent us some pictures. A wonderful Christmas!

The snow began early Sunday morning. We made it to the UU service in West Sound - with about 20 intrepid souls to enjoy a wonderful program by Swil Kanim. We had a very exciting and slow drive home. With no power, no phone, and repairs some time away, we escaped to Seattle Monday - but not before driving through a blizzard and traffic jams. Is this why we left Boulder?

We arrived Wednesday afternoon and Yvonne helped Natasha with the cooking. Opal Anne was a bit sick. Thursday Jan, Seth, Justin, Catherine, little Hope, and Jeni joined the group and we had a delicious dinner. Friday Morgan took grandma and grandpa to Seattle for a field trip.

Pictures from Natasha, Jeni, and Kristin, and shots of our exciting ferry ride to Anacortes on a very windy November day

Jackson (and Kristin and Eric) visited a pumpkin farm in October - on a glorious California fall day. Jackson hugged, sat on, talked to, and generally had a great time with the Pumpkin people. Later on Jackson put on his Halloween costume and partied with his sidekicks and then played at the park with mom and dad.

In October Yvonne and John took Morgan and Opal Anne to the beach at Ocean Shores. It was a sunny and mild fall day. We all had a wonderful day dodging the surf and wading in tidal pools on the beach.

From May 14th through October 14th Yvonne and John spent a good bit of time helping tear down the 30 year old kitchen at the Community Club building and then rebuild it. Yvonne designed the IKEA kitchen, fetched the materials and  supervised assembly. John acted as "foreman," made lists, directed the volunteers, and did lots of carpentry and finish work. The new kitchen is a great improvement and is very attractive.

Yvonne created as massive floral arrangement with homegrown makings, James returned to school, Eric, Kristin, and Jackson came to Seattle for Ron and Lari's wedding.

Sammy tooks some photos of Tony on his birthday as he played his electric guitar.

Yvonne saw that a house was for sale on Crane Island, just the other side of Pole Pass from Orcas at the south end of the Deer Harbor area. We made an offer a few days later.

James came home from NYC, Noah, Natasha, Morgan and Opal came up from Harstine, Jenny from Seattle, Eric, Kristin, and Jackson from Los Osos, Corrina from Seattle and then Rita and her friend Millie. We hung out, ate, drank, talked, laughed, and did a boat trip to Stuart Island.

In search of piles of rocks - with our dear Boulder friends. If the truth be known we were also in search of delicious meals and we found quite a few. First Edinburgh, then the Kilmartin Glen in Argyll. Then Inverness and for some of us Orkney. Beautiful country side, friendly people, and provocative megalithic sites.

We spent about 2 weeks in Sweden and a few days in Oslo. It was wonderful to see Ulrika, Roger, and Irma - with Katerina and David in Stockholm and Ola there as well. We also saw Elly and Lennart in Vaxjo and Peter and Anne, Johan,

Malin, Selma, Melker and Casja, Ola, and Noah in Torekov and Bostad and had a day with Peter and Anne in Simrishamn as well. In Bredaryd/Lanna we saw Ann-Sofi and Janne, Rolf and Stina, Gert, Helen, Christine, Thomas, and Simon - and Titti and also Yvonne with Hugo and Wilma. We also spent a little time with Madelen where she was in vigil for her father Ivan in the hospice in Varnamo. Elin was in the hospital. In Munka Ljungby we saw Lars-Eric, Solveig, and Katerina and David again. We especially enjoyed the National Gallery and the Vigeland Garden.

Yvonne and John drove to San Jose and picked up Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal who flew in from Seattle and we all drove to Los Osos where we stayed with Eric, Kristin, and Jackson for four days. We walked to the beach, visited Eric and CalPoly and looked at his satellite project, had lunch in San Luis Obispo, went to a potluck/bluegrass concert, toured Morro Bay, observed Noah at his book signing, had pizza in SLO,
took the kids to Avila beach, enjoyed Eric's BBQ, visited the Hearst Castle and San Simeon Beach. And more....

Yvonne and John flew to NY and drove down to Princeton to see James just after school finished for the summer. We had a chance to meet James' friends and help move his stuff to NYC for the summer. It was very nice to visit James, his friends, and help out - but it was too hot and humid!

For some years Yvonne has wanted steps from the house deck up the hillside to the back gate - so this spring John made some. The idea was to do something inexpensive and not visually overpowering. The steps are a collection of frames spiked to the ground and one another and filled with bark.
Eric took some video of Jackson's first steps and uploaded it to the Borgfam media center for processing. You can find it along with another clip on the Borgfam video page.

There are two versions - one for dial-up speed and one for DSL speed Internet connections. Let me know how  they work for you. JA

Jackson celebrated his first birthday with a houseful of friends and relatives. He enjoyed the day and got everthing he wanted - and more. A great time and great fun for all!

We took Gumption to Sidney and gave her a good cleaning. Then on to Butchart Gardens - especially beautiful in the spring. Then Brentwood Bay for more cleaning. On to Otter Bay on North Pender but not before an "interesting" crossing of Swanson Channel.

I do believe it. I do believe it's true. Morgan and Opal took grandma and grandpa to the zoo while mom and dad worked.  A beautiful day on Point Defiance, just north of Tacoma. We spent the whole day and then got pretty tired.
Kristin reports: We went with friends to an Easter Egg Hunt in town. Jackson’s buddies are Eva and Bennett. Jackson is super fun as always. He is standing and cruising around the furniture like a pro, and has taken a couple of steps on his own, but I  (continued)

We had a chance to see Phoebe and Alan's new house on Easter Sunday before they did some decorating and moved in. They've got a big yard that backs up to a stream and school yard. Lots of room in the house and great condition.

Our 14th walk. Carolyn joined us from Billings and Ron and his friend Tammi from San Diego. We walked the circle route this time, about 12.5 miles. The weather was warm and sunny. We didn't mind at all. We had lots to think about this year.

Noah, Natasha, Morgan and Opal joined Jill and Lou and Lou's family in Naples for their annual family get together. This year Heather and Livy joined the group and everyone enjoyed the sun and surf. Opal wouldn't wear her hat so Noah bribed her with chocolate and it worked. The manatees were great and the visiting very satisfying. And no sunburn!

Well, Opal just finished feeding herself a bowl of oatmeal. 75% made it in her mouth, the rest is in a wide radius around her mouth so
Opal Anne climbs table

time to clean up.  I was busy cleaning up the kitchen and I turned around and there she was on the little table. She was very pleased with herself. She can now say: nose, go go, this, book, look, mama, no and dada?! She is very interested in pointing to something, saying "this?" and wanting a response. She loves the game "head/shoulders/knees/toes." What a gal. Natasha

Some college kids go to Florida for spring break. James and his friends Amadea, Cat, and Mary-Cait decided Paris would be more interesting. They stayed at a hostel, saw the sights - including the catacombs - had some great meals and practiced their French.

We stayed in Portland, visited Powell's and saw the Alvin Ailey Dance troop (John scrambling to make up for forgetting a 26th anniversary). On to Carmel, not too badly damaged by fame and wealth. (more)

Grandma and grandpa took Opal and Morgan to Seattle via the Bremerton Ferry while Noah and Natasha had the day to themselves. We stopped at Jen's, had lunch, and then she and Corrina joined us on a walk over to Seattle Center, a pause at the fountain, and a ride to the top of the Space Needle. The big girls headed back home and the four of us looked around the Science Center. It was a wonderful day!

James sent along some pictures from his Christmas visit to Seattle and from school. After grinding away at the books all week long, it's no wonder these dedicated students need to take a break. So many lovely women....

I think I'll experiment with audio as well. Note that the picture sizes are small - and that relates to the transmission rate assumed. Broadband is larger.
Take a look at this page for first experiments with video. The source is the video Eric made of Jackson opening presents. I made two different video file: one for dialup and one for broadband. Take a look and send me some comments/suggestions: John

Julie and Yvonne met up in Seattle for the NW Flower & Garden Show 2006. Thursday evening was dinner at Jen's, Friday was out for Thai food with a few of the children, Saturday night was The RETURN OF THE CHARLETTES from 1964. We were the Charlettes because we loved all things British including Prince Charles. He was 2 years older than us and cute (in an odd sort of way)! Kathy's nephew Rod has the ultimate party house with a professional karaoke system and he was a most gracious host. The hours flew by!
Snowy Princeton

James took this picture outside one of the dorms after  record snowfall hit New York City. James has started second semester - with French, Statistics, Psychology, and Economics.

Jackson gets cuter by the minute. Here he celebrates his first Christmas in great style and then shows us how he copes with his first winter - in California.

Everyone had a great time celebrating Opal's first and Morgan's fifth. Opal now reads aloud and dances - from the sitting position. Morgan has one project after another and has many stories to tell. What fun!

Jenny's sister Corrina has come to Seattle to seek her fortune and Jen is happy to have her company. We celebrated Jen's birthday on a rainy, windy night and got soaked finding our way to a local Italian restaurant. The next evening we picked up Sarah and Samantha, Yvonne's nieces (and Jenny's cousins) and spent the evening at Jen's catching up. It was a great pleasure to be together.