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Our first Christmas on Crane. James came home from school and Jenny came up to Crane Christmas Eve. We attended a UU candlelight service and on the weekend went  to Seattle for brunch with N,N,M&O and Sarah at Ivar's.

Well celebrated our first Thanksgiving on the island. Noah, Natasha, Morgan and Opal came up from Harstine. Jeni, Corrina, Harman. Kelly, Tim, and Ryan came up from Seattle. The weather was sunny, the food delicious and plentiful, the company convivial, the conversation stimulating, and the love abundant.

We flew from SLO to DIA, drove to ColSp, stayed with Marcy and Paul, saw Phoebe at work, visited the Fine Arts Center, saw the kids'

school, had tea with Julie, and enjoyed the dinner Marcy and Julie made, and had a chance to visit with everyone except Lindsey. Then up to Boulder and dinner with Kevin, lunch with Loren and Janelle, lunch with Mike, and lots of visiting with Tessa and Alan, Barb and Dean, and Ann and Dave. We ran into Amy, Scott, Ellie, and Peach on their way from SFO to Hawaii.
(More pictures added 12/2/07)

We stayed with Eric, Kritin, and Jackson for 4 days and had a great time doing all kinds of Halloween things. We went to the beach, we had picnics, Kristin made us delicious dinners, we went to a farmers' market, did some walks, and helped with the landscaping.

We stayed in Sonoma and Capitola, looked at four missions, and tried to stay cool in the late October heat. Sonoma is a great little town - less commercialized than we expected. It was fun to stop in SF for a while.

On our way to CA and then CO, we stopped on Harstine Island for a short visit. We walked down to Jarrow Cove and noticed new clear cutting on the way. Natasha made us a nice dinner, we played with Morgan and Opal, and then had a chance to talk to Noah and Natasha after the kids were in bed. Noah like his new job in Olympia creating on-line currlicula and Natasha has arranged a great home-school program for Morgan - and Opal. In the morning we took off for Ashland.

We took a pokey trip across the North Cascades, stayed in Chelan, then Walla Walla, and then the Tri-Cities so John could attend a library trustees seminar. The weather was great, we loved the mountains, Lake Chelan, and historing.

Julie brought her fiddle and guitar and Yvonne pulled out her accordians and off they went. Lots of catching up, kayaking, and cruising - and a wonderful dinner conversation about the arcs of our lives.

James' classmate Kiri took the train up from Portland, they came up to Crane and then spent the weekend in Seattle. James made some terrific onion soup. They had a walk around the island and then kayaked. Now back at Princeton, they'll be finishing senior year.

Jeni and Corrina brought friends with to Crane for Labor Day; Kelly and Tim and Jessica and Cartic. They kayaked around the island, hiked Turtlehead, and made dinner. A pleasure to hear their perspectives and plans.

We took care of Morgan and Opal so that Noah and Natasha could have a delayed anniversary dinner. The next day we took the kids to NW Trek, an outdoor animal park where you ride a tram through the animals' habitat. And then to Target to look for bicycle accessories and other necessities. We had a wondeful time with the little darlings and catching up with N&N. And the weather was sunny and 70 - and improvement over much of the summer so far.

We took the Simrishamn out for its first extended cruise after launching. First to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island, then Clam Bay on Thetis, then to Ganges on Salt Spring to wait out the rain, and finally to Montague Harbour on Galiano. What a lovely place!

In order to satisfy public demand we've posted a few pictures relating to the process of installing windows and French doors in the studio wall once occupied by a garage door. Lots more to do but at least you can get the idea. BTW I had help from Demetri. Would have been tough without it.

We toured the Japanese Garden, Arboretum, and Sculpture Garden and had dinner with Jeni and Corrina in Seattle before coming up to Crane. A tour of the island, a hike up Turtle Knob, and some wonderful meals. And they understood why we moved.

They came by float plane after an Institute in Vancouver. We toured Crane, cruised to Stuart and walked to Turn Point, circumnavigated Crane by kayak, enjoyed Yvonne's wonderful cooking, talked continuously about the joys, challenges, and lessons of life and wrote our dear friends still back in Boulder. (Ann's pix added 8/10/07)

We intended to be in Sidney but fog and rain made that impossible. Instead we went to dinner at Christina's. Beforehand Yvonne opened her presents and was delighted with the thoughtfulness of friends and family. We had a wonderful conversation over dinner.

Corrina put together a show, part of the Ballard Art Walk, in which she displayed Starr's (her mother's) paintings and some of her own photography. Lots of people came by. We had a chance to meet some of Corrina's and Jeni's friends - and we were impressed.

Yvonne saw hints of a beautiful sunset so we walked to the dock, gaped, and took pictures. Intense colors reflected in the water of Deer Harbor. A remarkable visual treat. Also some sunrise pictures.

On July 3rd Cranians lined up for its third annual parade - followed by games and a picnic. Yvonne created a prize-winning float that 'Mantha was supposed to pull. Lots of people showed up - at least 50 - as we marched from the dock to the games grounds.

Our third annual and first on Crane. James and Eric, Kristin & Jackson came up together on Wednesday. Then Noah, Natasha, Morgan & Opal on Thursday, with Jeni and Corrina appearing Saturday. Lots of rumpus, conversation, food, drink, hikes, and time on the water. And we took out Simrishamn for her first cruise.
The exquisite pleasure of being grandparents
Alan & Tessa came for a visit in mid-June - with the hope, according to Tessa - for more cementation.

 Well, lucky thing, she found it on our walk around Crane, hike up Turtleback, Alan collecting for the burn pile, Yvonne fixing delicious dinners, our meal at Bilbo's, and much wonderful warm conversation sharing our observations from the middle of the stream of life at Pole Pass. Look familiar? It's what we do.

Jeni and Corrina came for the weekend. Yvonne made a nice dinner, Corrina did drawing, Jeni worked on a business plan, Yvonne and Corrina made music, we had a walk around the island, and lots of conversation.

Heading back north to Los Osos, Jackson celebrated his second birthday with his friends outside in the sunshine. It was a great pleasure to see him and Eric and Kristin and Bob, Diane, and Lauren.

Ensconced in a cottage in San Diego - with bicyles, motorcycles, computers, and various other parapheralia - with Tony getting used to lots of sunshine and warm weather. A wonderful turn of events.

We stayed in Laguna Beach and had some quality beach time on the way to San Diego. Very pleasand to lie in the sun and read on the beach. Not hot - just right.

Grandpa and grandma took Morgan and Opal to the Tacoma Daffodil Parade and Children's museum while mom and dad worked on their house. Natasha and Yvonne made a birthday dinner and cake for grandpa. We had a great visit on our way to California

We stayed with Marcy and had dinner at Julie's and attended the Springs UU Easter Service. We saw almost everyone and especially enjoyed the kids. Aelias explained why Macs are superior and demonstrated his iPod. His favorite group is ABBA, natch.

We missed Dave and Ann this year but Richard and Maggie joined us. We talked and thought a good bit about suffering and compassion. Many pilgrims this year - even on Saturday. Especialy struck by the density of pictures and prayers at the Santuario.

We celebrated Corrina's 25th birthday with Jeni and with Ron and Lari at a Greek Restaurant in Ballard. The food was good, the company convivial, and the music and dancing a pleasure. Back from her world travels, Corrina calls Seattle home - at least for a while.

Yvonne has finsihed her decorating except for the two guest bedroom/offices, so it made sense to take some pictures to show what the house looks like now that we're really moved in.

Never before seen shots of the Charlettes performing at their 2007 Reunion Concert. Kathy, Julie, and Yvonne sing their lungs out to an admiring audience. Unbelievable! Don't miss these candid, once in a lifetime shots. Wow!

James and his roommate, Teddy, took their spring break in the Norhtwest, first visiting Jeni and Rita in Seattle and touring the city and then coming up to Crane to enjoy its soporific virues. James showed Teddy Orcas, Yvonne treated the boys to some delicious meals (and James made his onion soup) and John showed the boys the Simrishamn.

Presidents' Weekend Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal came to Crane for a visit. We had our first dining room meals, we talked, played, boated, worked, walked, and generally had a wonderful time.

Corrina and her friend Tessa spent time in India and then joined Kelly already in Australia - where the threesome stayed at a farm in Noggerup and picked vegetables.

Corrina reports beginning to feel a bit homesick.
Tony & Ron's Excellent Adventure

After months of planning we got Tony's stuff loaded (or stored) and he and Ron headed to San Diego to begin their new lives together as Swedish bachelors. Back in Seattle Sarah and Sammy are independent and thriving. More Later.

From Harstine we headed for Portland and then the California Central Coast when we spent several days with Eric, Kristin, and Jackson. Mild weather, plenty of sun, some wineries, beaches, play with Jackson and more recovery.

After moving to Crane we headed for Seattle to visit Jen and then Harstine Island to visit Noah, Natasha, Morgan, and Opal and attend Morgan's 6th and Opal's 2nd joint birthday. Great party, And some needed time to recover from all the packing and moving.

From the beginning of the year we made inumerable small boat trips and two barge runs to Crane Island to move our stuff from Orcas. It was a big, big job - but we had lots of help from friends. We love the house and will get moved in over the next couple months and get started on a number of improvement projects.