This page contains narravtives and links to 2004 albums
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Loren took some pictures in Boulder, on Orcas, and in Vancouver, BC this summer and forwarded them on to the island. These pictures supplement those in the August 2004 doings album. Loren took many pictures in the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver. While not as fancy as Butchart's near Victoria, it has it's own quiet charm - and is highly recommended. And he took many in the U of BC Anthropology Museum in Vancouver as well - a wonderful place.

James came back from school to Seattle and we hit the road for Shelton, then Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs, and then back to Shelton for New Years, then Seattle for a day and James headed back to Princeton. We celebrated Elin's 88th birthday in the Springs, decorated Jenny's tree and the Davis' tree. Yvonne got food poisoning somehow, James had his wisdom teeth pulled, got infected, then later had stomach flu. Ugh! Colorado was both cold and snowy and mild and sunny. James and Rita got together. We stayed with the Davises, Elin, Jenny, and the Parson's.

Yvonne, John, and Mantha drove down to HB via Portland, Salinas, and San Luis Obispo visiting missions and Eric, stayed in Gordon's house, enjoyed Thanksgiving at Eric and Kristin's with Kristin's family and then spent Friday with Ron and Toni. Then back north to the beautiful Oregon coast via Roseberg and Astoria
A Picture of Eric "Worming"

From Kristin:
As we all know, Eric loves to make a spectacle out of himself at weddings. Attached is a great picture of him in action at my cousin¹s wedding. Thought ya¹ll might get a kick out of this. Hope everyone is doing well.

Noah had Friday off so they boarded the train in Olympia. We took the ferry to Anacortes, did some shopping, had dinner and met them at the train station in Fairhaven/Bellingham. Noah and Natasha were at leisure Saturday. Gramma and Grandpa spent the day with the youngun'. N&N enjoyed being back in Bellingham where they graduated from college in 1994. They visited Tony's twice - scene of their first date in 1991. The old folks walked with Morgan, in the stroller, all over downtown Belligham - to the Childrens' Museum, out for lunch, the waterfront, shopping (Morgan got a Tonka Payloader), and then dinner. It was great to be with Morgan and we all had time to catch up. Cool, cloudy, Northwest fall weather - just what we like.

Morgan drops marbles into a contraption he and grandpa put together
Getting ready for the ladies

Yvonne took a few pictures of Samantha, our neurotic mutt. Yvonne held a yard sale with two neighbors on a sunny Saturday. Her vegetable garden is ready for the winter with new topsoil. And Yvonne hosted the yacht club Mate's Luncheon. The ladies like to look at each other's houses. We cleaned and cleaned the day before - including doing the windows!

Here's the first batch of Julie's pictures (John's sister). John  scanned them from photos Julie had taken over the last year or so. Phoebe and Cooper appear (her daughter and son) and others from the larger clan - and Phoebe and Alan Stiles are engaged - with a wedding planned for September 2005. Exciting!

Phoebe Andrews and Alan Stiles - newly engaged

Eva from the Czech Republic and Eric  from Holland got married and St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague and Jenny participated, toured Prague, and had a wonderful time.

In October, Yvonne traveled to the East Coast to see James at Princeton for parents' weekend and then drove to the D.C. area to visit her friend Ann and then on to North Carolina to visit Marobeth and family. Yvonne drove almost 1000 miles and was especially interested to see the the rolling hills of the Piedmont.

Yvonne and John are active in the island's UU Fellowship. John often plans the program, acts as moderator, and sometimes presents a homily. Chris, a UU member took some pictures at the October Improvisational Faith, Jazz Theology Service.

September 25, a beautiful fall day, we hiked to the top of the head of Turtle Back Mountain. Great views to the south and west. Way above the fog on President's channel to the north. Found some very pretty log cabins on the way down.

(9/20/04) Noah has been busy constructing a play set for Morgan, age 4. Phase 1 is now complete and Morgan has a slide and sandbox in the back yard near Natasha's big vegetable garden. Phase 2 will include a swing and a  3-ton derrick for Morgan to use to lift his John Deer tractor to the top of the platform. We'll have more pictures later as Noah adds to the structure.

Yvonne and John picked up Dean and Barb, Alan and Tessa at Sea-Tac on Thursday and drove/ferried back to Orcas. Dave flew into Eastsound Friday when we had Richard for dinner as well. Ann couldn't come and we missed her mightily and talked with her by phone. A hike on Mt Constitution, a cruise to Roche Harbor, chanting up the sun Sunday.

Sometimes, someone in the family wants to describe to someone else where we live in Deer Harbor and what it looks like. This album shows the grounds and buildings we enjoy and work on as is intended to assist the description process.

Yvonne, John, and intrepid boat-dog, Samantha cruised up to Ganges on Salt Spring on a Friday to enjoy the Saturday Farmers' Market. Lots of very nice rain on Friday night but a sunny Saturday. Ganges is a great town on a great BC island.

James and his roommate pose in Forbes College. John accompanied James through his Princeton matriculation - a great pleasure. James reports great classes and fellow students and even food. And he's been to NYC. Pretty exciting suff. Class of 2008.
August 2004

Jenny came up for a visit. Then the Parsons and we went to Whistler, Vancouver, then Seattle. Back home, Jenny and her sister Cornia came up for a couple days. Then Faisal, his mother, sister, and aunt came to Seattle and we went down for a visit and dinner. Then on to Harstene for a visit and to make improvements to the new rental house. Back home, then Yvonne with her friend Julie to Idaho and Joh back to Shelton working with Noah on the rental house.
July 16 - 26, 2004

Cruise to Desolation Sound

Yvonne, Samantha, and John took Gumption to Desolation Sound in British Columbia, Canada. A beautiful place about 100 north of Orcas Island.
June 11-27, 2004

Road Trip: Ellensburg, Spokane, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, Huntington Beach

James, Yvonne, Sammantha, and John breezed across the West, visiting and viewing. James then stayed with Eric and Kristen to enjoy Southern California
and seek gainful summer employment before beginning college at Princeton. See the album here.
May 28-31, 2004

James' Graduation from Middlesex School

Noah, Natasha, and Morgan, Jenny, John, and Yvonne met in Seattle and picked up Rita at O'Hare on the way to Manchester, NH. Eric and Kristin flew into Boston. We stayed in Tewksbury, about 20 miles from Concord. Beside the graduation festivities, we walked the Freedom Trial in Boston and toured historic sites in Concord. It's was great seeing Michael Ansa again, James' friends and their families, and a wondeful dinner with the Van Nordens. See it here.
April 8 - 10, 2004


Barb and Dean, Ann and Dave, Tessa and Alan, Yvonne and John

Our twelfth Good Friday Chimayo pilgrimage

Mid March 2004

Road trip to Huntington Beach

James, Yvonne, Samantha, and John drove down to Orange County to visit with Eric and Kristin - and Katie and Marcel of course. Warm - and crowded with people.

Early March 2004

Yvonne working in the yard, Gumption being repaired, James with his friends from school, Alex and Beth. Flowers and warmer weather.

February 2004

Yvonne in the garden; Ron and Toni; Jesse, Kim, and Raphael visit. Toni brought homemade fudge.

January 31, 2004

Morgan's third birthday

Attending: Noah, Natasha, and Morgan
Justin, Mandy, and Maddie
Gene and LaRange
Jan and her friends Alan and Terri
Jenny and Faisal
Yvonne and John

January 17, 2004

Building Yvonne's Greenhouse

Yvonne and John spent most of a January weekend putting together a Sunglow 8x10 greenhouse kit. Take a look at the greenhouse photo album for the whole story. Click on this link to go directly to the greenhouse album:

January 7, 2004

Winter comes to Orcas

When we got back to Deer Harbor from Colorado and Harstine Island January 5th we were greeted by snow and temperatures in the 20s. We got the van up the hill OK but then couldn't move until Thursday when the snow melted. Trying to take the truck down the driveway nearly resulted in sliding over Yvonne's raised bed garden. See more.

January 16, 2004

Barkman Family photo scans

On December 26 and December 27 John spent time with Elin going through one of her photo albums (Green) that contained mostly pictures of the Barkman and Nilsson families before 1940 - including many from Sweden.

Elin has two more albums of this type that need to be scanned and we don't know the people, place, and time for some of the photos. Perhaps having them available here on the Web would allow others to comment. Click here to go directly to the Green Album.